
Coaching For Adults
Real help starts with awareness and communication. A good coach aids in your ability to communicate and come to awareness that brings about change.
“The brain that contains the problem also contains the solution – often the best one.” (Kline’s Time to Think)
Coaches do not provide advice. They actively listen and reflect on what you have said; then, seek to clarify your future vision and goals with thoughtful questioning. It is you're answering these questions that ultimately clarify. Coaches then walk with you as you strive to activate and stay on track. Having a partner with you on your journey is powerful for accountability and consistency.

Seeing My Time
For Ages 13 and up, this is a brain-based, time management course that explains executive functions and the biology behind getting things done well and on time. Here, students and adults learn how the brain learns (in a simple way), use visual tools that support it, and discover a better approach to planning and organizing. Kids will learn how to complete assignments without stress while adults learn how to tackle long-range projects and goals without overwhelm. Many have found this to be a life-changing course. It is given in 6, sessions that last apporox. 1 hour. $20.00 Workbook not included.
This course is recommended in the summer as it is an effective and fun way to get students ready and eager to start school in the Fall.

Coaching for college students
Help for college students “begins with the end in mind”… As a college student coach, I start by getting a picture from the student of their future vision. I then gently remind the student through reflecting and witnessing of their vision as they move through the semester. This will allow the student to evaluate their own actions and beliefs as to whether or not they measure up to the vision he or she has laid out. I do not have the same attachment to a student's outcome that parents do. This gives a student a safe and non-judgement place to speak openly about struggles that can derail their goals without the risk of interference.
A coach knows that:
-“The brain that contains the problem also contains the solution – often the best one.” (Kline’s Time to Think)
...and will strive to walk beside the student to find solutions.
Benefits to having a coach in college are that the coach will be, for the student...
A vehicle to achieve a clear vision of graduation and all that it brings
A mirror to their beliefs and actions
A reminder of the “end in mind"
A safe, non-judgmental environment to reveal struggles and explore solutions
A resource for information about executive functions (EF)
A resource for tools and strategies for overcoming EF challenges
An advocate for the journey

Coaching For Students in School
Students need an advocate. More important is their ability to advocate for themselves.
Coaching is good for those students who:
Are lost… to help them articulate what the expectation on them is and where they might be stuck.
Are overwhelmed… to sort out the confusion in their heads and get their thoughts in front of them where they can sort them out.
Are prone toward negative thinking… to actively listen to their thoughts and challenge them.
Are prone toward negative actions… to reflect on them and to explore how they might be affecting others.
Are unorganized… to explore the impact of lost items and to collaborate about solutions.
Are hot-tempered (especially at homework time)… to discuss our brains and how to give our thinking brain power over our emotional brain.
Are having trouble sleeping… talk about what might be getting in the way of sleep like screens and low self-care.
Are forgetting about their hygiene… to consider the future and the impact that good hygiene may have there (in a non-critical way).
Are having trouble focusing at school… to discuss our brains, dopamine, and strategies for making them work in our favor.
Are having trouble remembering their medications… to examine the pros and cons of meds, what might be getting in the way of taking them, and what options may exist.
Are struggling socially… discuss metacognition, walking in someone else’s shoes, and self-regulation.
Are struggling with transitions… to discuss flexible thinking and adaptability.
Are anxious… to discuss emotional regulation and mindfulness

Thought Partner
Partnering with a coach is a great way to create a strategy that results in overall success. Individuals with ADHD and their parents/family members have challenges that affect every aspect of their life. Collaboration is essential for parents and their child's physicians, psychologists, therapists, social workers, school teachers and/or administrators, employers, family members, or partners. This service benefits everyone in the family and those outside the family who have a role in working with the child struggling with ADHD.

Group Coaching for Parents or Guardians
Let’s work together to not only create a plan and help your child but also to better navigate your child's diagnosis. Our objective is to achieve individualized systems that work long-term. Coaching is an invaluable resource that can help you as a parent or guardian understand your child and create an action plan so that they can reach their full potential. Some benefits include accountability for consistency, problem-solving techniques, coping skills, self-management, and advocacy coaching to advance your child in school and other areas of their life.

Peer Coaching for Students
ADHD group/peer coaching is an opportunity for your child or young adult to explore managing executive functions challenges through peer accountability. In a structured setting of peers (2 - 4 students) your child or young adult will:
Create a system that works for them to track assignments, projects, and responsibilities.
Learn to problem solve in school and work through social challenges as they pertain to ADHD.
Learn to create critical organization skills.
Learn to apply effective time management strategies.
Identify the cause of procrastination and explore possible productive alternatives.
Develop a study and self-management strategy.
Learn to advocate for themselves with teachers and family members.