When identifying ADHD in yourself or your child, there are many different types of ADHD that fit under the umbrella of this disorder. While there are classic symptoms that almost all types of ADHD have in common, such as inattention and impulsiveness, sometimes certain characteristics are more prominent in some individuals than others.
Identifying the type of ADHD you or your family member has is the first step on the road to conquering this disorder. You’ll find that by understanding more about the type of ADD you or your family member has, the easier it will be to manage. Today we’re going to look at the most common types of ADHD and how you can begin to conquer your symptoms to gain more control over your life.
1. Classic ADD
Classic ADD, which is often simply referred to as ADHD, is usually diagnosed earlier in life in babies and children. It is often characterized by hyperactivity and inattention, with individuals becoming easily distracted. A poor level of attention to detail and forgetfulness can be associated with Classic ADD. Due to this extra energy, adding additional exercise to your routine is a natural way to try and conquer Classic ADD. Otherwise, many individuals consider stimulant medications or supplements, including Adderall, Ritalin, and green tea.
2. Overfocused ADD
Individuals with Overfocused ADD have similar symptoms to Classic ADD, but instead of being unable to pay attention to things, they struggle to move their attention between activities. They become overly focused on individual events or things in their life, tuning everything else out of their mind in the meantime. This type of ADD is often linked to people with a history of alcohol or substance abuse and their offspring. To conquer Overfocused ADD, add a dietary supplement, such as 5-HTP or L-tryptophan, into your diet. We recommend avoiding a high-protein diet and considering neurofeedback treatment.
3. Inattentive ADD
After classic ADD, this is the next most common type of ADD. Children and adults with Inattentive ADD struggle to focus and are quickly distracted from any task they are working on. They are often quite quiet and may be labeled as a daydreamer or lazy. Sometimes this type of ADD is overlooked in children, as it doesn’t necessarily have the more obvious symptoms of Classic ADD. Stimulants are often used to conquer Inattentive ADD, whether that’s by natural means or medication. A low carbohydrate and high protein diet mixed with regular activity can also help to increase your attention span.
4. Limbic ADD
With Limbic ADD, there is an imbalance between the prefrontal cortex, which is underactive, and the deep limbic area, which is overactive. Overactivity in this area is also linked to depression, so this will need to be ruled out if you have any of the symptoms of Limbic ADD. The main symptoms of this form of ADD are negative moods, low energy, and feelings of helplessness. Some anti-depressants may be offered to anyone with Limbic ADD, but you’ll also want to consider your exercise routine and diet, as these can really make a difference to help you live with this condition.
5. Temporal Lobe ADD
With Temporal Lobe ADD, you’ll exhibit the classic ADD signs and then also have issues with your temporal lobe as well. This usually presents itself with struggles to learn and issues remembering pieces of information, and instability of your mood, leading to quick bursts of anger. Amino acid GABA is regularly used to calm the nerve cells, and magnesium is another natural option to add to your diet. If you are struggling with learning and your memory, ginkgo and vinpocetine are worth considering.
6. Ring of Fire ADD
For anyone with a high level of activity in the brain, who struggles to switch their brain off, this is a common symptom of Ring of Fire ADD. Sometimes this condition is related to bipolar disorder but can also be a sign of inflammation or infection in the brain. Unlike bipolar disorder, the symptoms of Ring of Fire ADD are generally present all of the time and don’t switch themselves on and off. Sensitivity to noise and light and unpredictable behavior are common with Ring of Fire ADD. Stimulants should generally be avoided for this type of ADD, and most individuals start with an elimination diet to see if any allergies are present. Anticonvulsants and blood pressure medication can be taken to reduce hyperactivity.
7. Anxious ADD
The final type of ADD is Anxious ADD, which is a result of lower activity levels in the prefrontal cortex and higher activity in the basal ganglia. This type of ADD manifests itself with frequent anxiety and nervousness, which can come out in physical symptoms, such as headaches. Someone with Anxious ADD will struggle to put themselves in a situation in front of a lot of people or under high pressure. Relaxation is encouraged for this type of ADD by increasing dopamine and GABA levels. Supplements that encourage this include L-theanine, magnesium, and relora, and neurofeedback can be used alongside this to minimize feelings of anxiety.
By understanding the type of ADHD you or your family member has, you can begin to create a suitable treatment plan to help you manage the condition. With so many medications and natural supplements available today for each type of ADD, you’ll be able to find a way that works for you to help conquer your condition and live your life with greater ease.